What is the Tweed Case?

Members can add their instruments and gear to the site along with photos and short music samples of their playing. They can also post articles about their collections or their experiences and leave comments on other user's stuff and when you find other members with interesting stories and gear, you can follow them and keep in touch with what they're doing on the site.
I know that I love playing and collecting guitars and gear and I am hoping that other folks feel the same way and want to join Tweed Case (for free!) and start building a community of like minded players and collectors.
Getting Started
Getting started on TweedCase.com is easy and free!
- Create an account
- Post information about your instruments and gear
- Share your stories about playing, collecting and whatever else you want to share with the community
- Take a look at other members' gear -- you can start with the recently added items below or try searching for something that interests you
- Check out the blog for more information about the Tweed Case as well as tips on photographing your gear and more
- Follow our twitter feed to see our latest "tweedts" :)
- Invite your friends to join!